Here we present some of our favourite James Bond-inspired cocktail recipes, which are either original creations or our adaptations of stunning drinks created by others, both classic and modern.

Dr. No Alcohol
A midweek 'cocktail' that recalls the G&T Bond drinks in the novel of Dr. No but doesn't leave you feeling like you've barely survived a fight with a giant squid. The blue of the Gin Sin Premium also recalls all the blue Bond wears in the film and the villain's giant aquarium.

Gay Mo-HE-to
Mo-HE-to time (other pronunciations are available)

🏴⚽ Football's Cumin Home Again ⚽🇮🇹
Yes, it looks like beer (intentional) but this is an epic clash of flavours. Created for Euro 2020 England vs. Italy match and my article exploring the links between Bond and football.

Welcome to Scotland
Originally created during the Euro 2020 tournament and since renamed in honour of Albert Finney’s chaarcter in Skyfall: this is a winning combination of gin and Scotch.

For England, James
A showcase for English sparkling wine (which is better than Champagne right now, IMHO). This is what Alec Trevelyan would drink on his armoured train. Tates like strawberries…

Dominic Greene’s last meal (aka Blood & Sand & Oil)
I bet you make it twenty seconds before you consider drinking this. Quantum of Solace’s oily villain gets a taste of his own medicine in this variation of a classic cocktail. Warning: the chaser may invoke a deeply satisfying sense of schadenfreude.

Just Fields Forever
Honour the heroic fallen agent with this ginger-spiced cocktail, inspired by Gemma Arterton's all-conquering hair hue (I'm a ginger so I'm a bit biased). As alluring as the agent herself.

Shrublands No-alcohol-groni
Recreate Bond's drying out experience from Thunderball while still having a good time.

Aston Montenegroni
Make a Negroni but swap out one of the ingredients for Amaro Montenegro and you’ll have a winning hand. Just don’t take the Aston Martin for a spin after drinking it.

Kitty Suzuki Martini
A gin made with Japanese botanicals makes this a perfect accompaniment to your afternoon in the garden (of Death).

Virgin cocktail: Solitaire's Boxcar
Serve on a 16 hour train journey.

May Day
It’s a British bank holiday tradition to watch a Bond film. Savour tradition with this Aperol spritz variant named in honour of Grace Jones’s femme fatale (A View To A Kill is a perfect ‘Bank Holiday Bond’).

Dame Judi (straight up)
Judi Dench – in a glass! Allegedly, this cocktail started life on the set of GoldenEye. Like Dame Judi herself, this drink leaves you feeling warm and mellow inside. But beware: she’s a feisty one!

Property of a lady
Recover from a traumatic auction experience with some gin, basil leaves, green Chartreuse and lemon juice.

Jim Fanning
Like its namesake, both frugal and classy simultaneously. Best made with leftover bottles of booze.

Sweet distraction
Should make an hour or two fly by. Don't blame me if you get up to things you didn't intend to.

Two Of A Kind
The heart of both of these drinks is the same: Swedish vodka, in homage to Octopussy actress Maud Adams. Make while crooning along to Rita Coolidge.

Five Days To Alaska
Celebrate a snow job well done by shaking up some frozen Stoli. Enjoy with a side serving of caviar (best Beluga for those who can afford it... I made do with whatever was reasonably priced on Amazon).

When Bond goes around M's gaff (named Quarterdeck) for Christmas dinner he has to put up with the traditions of the season - including plum pudding. We made this drink from Christmas leftovers.

Wine with Stacey
In honour of Tanya Roberts (1955-2021) and named for the famous John Barry music cue from A View To A Kill, this wine-based cocktail pairs well with anything - especially quiche.